Husband said that he is tired of me

    Dear Pastor, I am 43 years old and I have been married for eight years. I would not say that my marriage was perfect, but I have enjoyed my husband for the years we have been married. Occasionally, my husband calls me miserable. I know I am... ...

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    My friend is pregnantfor her mother’s lover

    Dear Pastor, I am having a problem and it is haunting me. I have a friend; we grew up together. We went to the same high school. We had our boyfriends and we went out together. We are the same age, 22. I got pregnant when I was 19 years old. I got... ...

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    Think my penis is too large

    Dear Pastor, I am a 16-year-old boy and I have an embarrassing problem. I have two brothers and two sisters. My brothers are older than I am and they have normal size penises. My penis is very large. We used to go by the river and bathe. My... ...

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    Fiancé doesn’t trust me because of his ex

    Dear Pastor, I am a regular reader of your page in THE STAR. It has helped to keep me updated on what is happening in Jamaica. I was born in Jamaica, but I grew up in America. My parents brought me to America when I was a child, but I always... ...

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    This woman wants to bring her sister on our date

    Dear Pastor, I am 22 years old and I have started a relationship with a young woman who will be 20 in December. Everything was going well, and we planned to go out together for the first time about four weeks ago. She asked me if she could take... ...

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    I can’t ‘get it up’ any more

    Dear Pastor, I have a matter I would like to get your opinion on. I am now 51 years old and I am trying to settle down with a woman who is 40. When I was in my late teens and early 20s, I used to run around. Sometimes I would have sex two or three... ...

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    My brothers shielded me from boys

    Dear Pastor, I grew up with my mother and grandmother. I did not know my father. My mother used to work hard to take care of us. There are four of us; I have one sister and two brothers. All my mother's children went to high school; that was her... ...

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    Don’t want to retire in America

    Dear Pastor, I am 62 years old and my husband is 64. We have five children. Only two of them are in Jamaica. We travelled a lot. We have a decision to make. Our two children who are living in Jamaica are planning to leave the island and they do... ...

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    Walked in on my roommate having sex

    Dear Pastor, I am a 21-year-old girl and a university student. I came into the city and was looking for a place to live. Two girls I know who are also at university were sharing an apartment, but it was very hard on them and they told me that I... ...

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    Getting married soon because I can’t wait for sex

    Dear Pastor, This is the first time I am writing to you, but I am a regular reader of your column. Everybody in our household reads your column. We call our father 'Dear Pastor' because he is always quoting you. I am 21 and I am hoping to get... ...

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    Not sure why this guy is avoiding me

    Dear Pastor, I am 27 years old and I am living at home with my parents. I have a sister and she is 24 years old. She got married recently. I thought that she was very fortunate because people used to tell me that I am prettier than her. This... ...

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    Can’t focus on my university studies

    Dear Pastor, I am a university student and I'm struggling with my studies, despite being financially supported by my parents. I attended a prestigious high school where I excelled, earning 17 subjects total in the CAPE and CSEC exams. I was... ...

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    Found true love with my disabled boyfriend

    Dear Pastor, I am 24 years old and I am living with a man who is disabled. When some of my friends became aware that I was in love with this man, they questioned me. Some said that we are together because he has money. He is 51 years old. But my... ...

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    My wife is the perfect stepmother

    Dear Pastor, I am in my early 40s and my wife is 55. The first time I dated her, I did so only to get the experience of making love with someone who was older than me. The relationship turned out to be permanent and because she didn't look her age... ...

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    Boyfriend refuses to stop smoking cigarettes

    Dear Pastor, I am 18 years old and I have a boyfriend. He is very good to me and I love him dearly. He is twice my age, but that doesn't bother me. When I first took him to meet my parents, the only comment that my father made to me was, "He is a... ...

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    This girl is tying my son with food

    Dear Pastor, I have two sons and one daughter. One of my sons got himself hooked up with a girl. He used to live with me and I used to cook for him. Since he hooked up with this girl, he started to eat from her. My food wasn't good enough, but I... ...

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    Caught an STI from a one-night stand

    Dear Pastor, I am having a problem. I am living with my girlfriend, but recently she went abroad and I got involved with a girl who was introduced to me by one of my co-workers. I decided that I would take a chance with this girl. We went out to... ...

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    Aunt caught me having sex with her boyfriend

    Dear Pastor, I am 22 and I was living with my aunt from I was 13, after my mother died. My aunt took me in, but my two brothers were left with my dad. My aunt was a higgler. I can say that she was very good to me. But there were times when I was... ...

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    Family thinks my girlfriend’s child is mine

    Dear Pastor, I have been going with a young lady for two years. I took her to live with me when she was pregnant. When I started to talk to her, she did not know that she was pregnant, but she told me that she and her boyfriend broke up three... ...

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    Dad left the family for a young woman

    Dear Pastor, This is the first time I am writing to you, but I always read your column. I can say that I grew up reading it, and now I am married and I still can't do without reading it. I don't read The Gleaner often, but I have to read THE STAR... ...

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